Check out these action shots and evidence we thought you'd like!
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This room full of mannequins really creeped us out.
-L’Orignal Jail
Doing some base readings before an investigation and training new members on EMF detector debunking!
This isn’t even close to all our equipment!
Big Brother is always watching at Base Control!
-L’Orignal Jail
Sam helping set up some static cams and taping down wires so we don’t trip and become ghosts!
-L’Orignal Jail
A closeup of our DVR system at Base Control, which we were livestreaming to Facebook at the time. Catch us on the next one and help us monitor the monitor!
-L’Orignal Jail
creepy, but hey, at least they’re wearing a mask! Just one of many disturbing items found in the Highjinx shop…
-HighJinx Antique Shop
This funky shop was so fun to investigate. Located in Ottawa, On.
-HighJinx Antique Shop
C.L.A.S.S.-A is formed!
Best day ever!
Investigation at L'Orignal Jail
Group training at public haunt
The Grotto & N-D Cemetery
Group training at the Grotto by Notre-Dame Cemetery in Vanier
Highjinx Antique Shop Investigation
CLass-A takes on Highjinx!
CLASS-A shuts down
It is with a heavy heart that we lay the team to rest. The truth is, life gets in the way. We are all spread thin making a living in this economy, starting families, and trying to keep a balance. Unfortunately in order to meet the standards set out for a team of this professional caliber, we need more time and resources than is possible right now amongst all members. Over the last year you have supported us and watched us grow. We are forever thankful. Our educational content and logs will stay up.